Chloe's Afternoon Tea Adventures - #1 Gilt Rooms - Mersea Island, Essex

Something I've wanted to do for THE longest time is write a series of blog posts on my love of afternoon tea. I had intended on starting an actual blog titled "Chloe's Afternoon Tea Adventures" but I then decided that I'd just write it all here every once in a while because this is still my blog and a lot of my couples also seem to love afternoon tea so why not share the love around! So here goes, first up is the Gilt Rooms, located in my favourite place, Mersea Island, Essex. 

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My super fun wedding photography bucket list!

I'm lucky that I get to photograph some EPIC weddings! 

However, like everyone I have a few things that I reallllllllly love and would love to photograph some weddings that are really themed. There's also some amazing venues throughout Essex, London and the UK that I would love to photograph a wedding at. 

If any of these sound like the wedding you're planning then please get in touch and I may be able to offer you a bit of a discount or a freebie for helping me to tick it off!

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